Are you aware of the upcoming EU regulations about digital product passports? In just a few years, it will be compulsory for products sold in the European Union to be accompanied by data on their environmental impact and their circularity, provided in a uniform and easy-to-use digital format. Think "similar to washing instructions, but much more extensive and detailed"...and digital.
" the provider of the goods". In other words; such data will need to accompany raw materials, components and finished products from the source to the final sale, to consumers as well as to businesses.
How will this impact your organisation?
How prepared are you?
How prepared are your sub-suppliers?
What will it take for you to get sufficiently prepared?
Whether you haven't yet started or have come some way already, we can help you with knowledge on what to do to move forward as well as the tools to easily handle the data smoothly, securely and with low maintenance.
Start by browsing this site and blog, sign up to join and engage in the community or, simply, reach out for a meeting or consultation with us.

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